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Welcome to CLICK to Low Carbon Lifestyle.

First and foremost, we would like to thank the British High Commission, Kuala Lumpur in supporting the first part of our adventure into CLICK.

As a research based Non-Government Organisation (NGO), AWER would like to be innovative and creative in assisting Malaysians to practice Low Carbon Lifestyle. Providing savings tips are always seen as an easy way of educating members of public. However, to go a step further into the complexity of problems/situations faced by consumers and businesses in being energy efficient is indeed a challenging experience.

CLICK is just the beginning. This portal will grow into a one-stop-centre for low carbon lifestyle. The first Low CO2 Tool developed by AWER is known as Click d’ Thief. This online calculator will assist us to audit our electricity consumption as well as carbon footprint.

In addition to that, AWER will also produce ranking report of selected electrical and electronic products periodically. These ranking studies will assist end users to choose most energy efficient products from the market.

Members of public and businesses are also encouraged to CLICK with Us (a Pledge to Low Carbon Lifestyle) and share your success story. This pledge will also enable you to get immediate updates of latest happenings, such as product ranking reports.

As I have mentioned previously, this is a growing portal. We will provide more tools and assistance to enable Malaysians to simply CLICK to Low Carbon Lifestyle!

Bookmark us.

Thank you.

Piarapakaran S.














Organised by:               
          Supported by:
British High Commission, Kuala Lumpur

This portal and the Materials are provided "as is" and "as available", without warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory. The Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia (AWER) shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the usage of any information or Materials obtained from this portal. Organisations or Agencies referred to in this web site shall not be construed as agents nor as institution recommended by Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia (AWER).
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